Alyssa English

Alyssa English

Region III Parliamentarian
Hey everyone! My name is Alyssa English, a senior at Kennesaw State University, where I'm diving deep into Industrial Engineering. But there's more to me than just gears and gadgets.
I'm your tech enthusiast with a side of geek culture. When I'm not crunching numbers and solving engineering challenges, I'm immersing myself in the worlds of anime and gaming. Whether it's analyzing the latest episodes or strategizing in a virtual realm, I'm your go-to person for all things geeky.
But there's another facet to my identity. I have a deep passion for West African fashion, and I enjoy bringing it to life through my personal style. It's a way for me to celebrate my heritage and express my creativity.
In the bigger picture, I also hold the role of Region III Parliamentarian for the 2023-2024 academic year. My mission in this capacity is to enhance the visibility of our regional senate and equip its members with the knowledge they need to make well-informed decisions for the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE).
Looking forward, I'm not just playing the short game. My vision is to establish a company that harnesses my engineering expertise to optimize logistics and operations within the supply industry. So, world, get ready! I've got ambitious plans, and you'll see me making my mark in the realms of technology and business. 👾🌍💼