Bryce Grant

Bryce Grant

Region III Finance Chair
Hello Pow3rhouse,
I am currently a senior at the University of Kentucky (Louisville native), pursuing a dual major in Electrical & Computer Engineering with minors in math, physics, and computer science.
I've dabbled in embedded systems at Honeywell, software and hardware engineering at Lexmark, co-founded a SAAS startup to mitigate food insecurities and currently am immersed in machine learning research. 
On the side, I tinker and build projects from self-driving robots to tesla coils. In my free time, I'm an avid traveler and urban explorer, and you'll often find me shooting 35mm photography, playing chess, reading philosophy, or learning languages.
I previously held positions in my NSBE chapter as the programs chair, finance chair, and vice president. As the current Finance Chair for NSBE Region III, I am excited to serve you all this year and to hopefully bring financial sustainability to our region for the years to come.