NSBE Condemns Violence Against AAPI Community
NSBE Condemns Violence Against AAPI Community

The National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) stands with the loved ones of the eight persons slain and one person injured in the senseless shootings that took place at 3 metro Atlanta spas on March 16th. NSBE recognizes that violence against any community is a threat to us all, therefore, we join the nation’s Asian-American communities, and warriors for peace and justice everywhere, in calling for a thorough investigation of the motives of the crime and for the development and implementation of a national plan to stem the current rising tide of hate speech and hate crimes against Asians in the United States.
NSBE’s mission “to increase the number of culturally responsible Black engineers” worldwide, and our goal to end the underrepresentation of Blacks in engineering in the U.S., are rooted in our desire for social justice that encompasses all people, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, background, faith, creed or other social categories of distinction. NSBE pledges to continue its partnership with all like-minded organizations of good will to challenge racism, misogyny and xenophobia wherever they appear.
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