Safiyyah Franklin

Safiyyah Franklin

Region I Upstate New York Zone Chairperson

Hi Region I! I am a senior Civil Engineering major at Cornell University! I joined NSBE during my sophomore year of college and ever since my first meeting I've made an effort to stay a part of this amazing community. After being an active general body member last year, I wanted to do more, so I joined my chapter's E-board as Co-Conference Planning Chair. It wasn't until I attended RLC this past summer that I became really interested in how I could contribute on a regional level and that is what sparked my interest in how I could contribute on a regional level and that is what sparked my interest to apply for the REB with the position of Vice CPC Chair. Something that I love about NSBE is the way that this club promotes the growth and success of Black engineers. The Black excellence that is displayed at every event, meeting, conference, etc. always motivates me to keep showing up for myself and also for my community. It is an honor to serve on the board and give back and inspire others just as much as they have inspired me!


Fun Fact: I LOVE roller skating!!