The NSBE Professionals are technical experts (engineers, scientists, educators, technologists and business executives) working across the top global industries. We are providing solutions to some of the most challenging and far-reaching issues in the areas of science, technology, energy, defense, aerospace, chemicals, electronics, biomedicine, consumer goods, food & beverage, consulting and more! Our diverse group of more than 3,600 talented professionals includes entry-level, individual contributors; mid-level managers and other rising professionals; division leads; and corporate executives. 

As professionals, we need to grow, guide and mentor the next generation. We need to be culturally aware of what it means to be Black in America, persevere to change the narrative and, in our own way, choose not to remain silent. It means we need to speak positively to impact students at all levels of society. NSBE Professionals realizes that the support required to succeed does not end at college. So, whether in front of the classroom, the courtroom or at the next board meeting, we aim to help students excel academically and succeed professionally.

Here in NSBE, we are focused on helping our members fulfill their mission to succeed professionally. We help them achieve their goals by providing multiple avenues to help them advance in their careers. Over the course of the year, our members are provided the following opportunities:

  • Opportunity to receive ongoing career development training
  • Opportunity to make significant career moves by connecting with those in positions of influence
  • Opportunity to grow their professional network
  • Opportunity to positively impact their community

Region I Professionals are focused on keeping our membership engaged. We acknowledge that we are in a state of transition and uncertainty but know that this is also a season of opportunity, and we are here to help. We promise to function with an ACCESS mindset.

  • A-Achieve and Accelerate (NOW IS THE TIME!)
  • C-Confidence to try something new
  • C-Courage to try again
  • E-Exercise our mind and bodies